Friday, October 2, 2009

...And then I woke up from cryogenic sleep

Due to a rather unfortunate series of events spanning the last 10 months, I haven't updated this blog nearly all year. I've given lots of excuses as to why, but in truth, it just takes a lot of time to post and come up with original content each time. So then you suddenly realize why some people get paid to do this. However, the perks are pretty good: most bloggers I know sit around in their underwear all day and eat Taco Bell. The rest of us work (like, for real).

Since I've been gone I've had the privilege of getting a new job where I actually design stuff for a living, met a lot of new people, had a few clients here and there, discovered electricity, won a Nobel Prize, got married to David Gilmour, and had sextuplets which I famously gave up for adoption to Donny Osmond to form another family band.

In other news, Portland Fashion Week is coming up, and I've had the privilege of working on some materials for some of the events. If you can make it out to the show and see some of the collections, which were designed in to be eco-conscious and reflect the unique corner of the country we live in, you should check out the website at In the meantime, take a look at the promo card below for more details (which I also had a hand in working on).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Swine Flu is bad.

Swine Flu is bad., originally uploaded by Deluded Secretary.

This is something I made by request of my boss to be hung around bathrooms and other random places around our building. I'm sure it's pretty obvious what wording was changed for my own amusement.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Year, New Digs

Here's my desk at my new position as a graphic design intern at Century Arts Interiors.  So far, the gig's been pretty good, and I've been keeping busy updating the products and services catalog, as well as designing their New Year's card and a few other odds 'n ends.  Notice the Twitter site is up on the screen... always a crucial time-waster.