Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Out Of Your League Girl

“Like, there’s passionate nerds out there that like, write code. And those people are like billionaires, and you know how I am about money. Like your passion can take you anywhere. You just gotta find your passion and like, go for it. Like for instance, look at me. Like, I am out-of-your-league hot. Why? Because I’m so passionate about it.”

-Out Of Your League Girl on "Passion"

Have you seen these video shorts? Even though I am not a guy I can appreciate it. An “out-of-your-league” girl, named as such, babbles with sincerity about social issues directed at guys. It’s brilliant. They don’t even mention brands in it. They never advertised the campaign. The only thing I don’t get about the whole thing is the sponsoring company. Why Converse? I could see a soap or deodorant company, but shoes…? Are they trying to say that only nerds who write code wear Converse?

Anyway, expect to see a bunch of homemade imitations on YouTube later today.

1 comment:

Tim said...

She's likkkkkkke, out of this league hotness.